Street art, heritage paintings,Penang

Walk through the streets of Penang and you will capture some of the best moments in your camera…Street art adorns every lane…mirroring a lot of daily life activities.
The street art is one of Malaysia‘s best. There are 30 or more of them, most of them by a Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic. It was an attempt to give the old walls of the historical sites a new beginning during the Georgetown festival in 2012.
Now there are various ones by different artists all over the town now and some nice messages too…
Start one early morning, head to Armenian street…and branch out the way your feet rule… or rent a bike…Enjoy…the walk… stop over for a teh tarik…at the street stall too….you get the best of Penang…

Here are some to get you started this weekend…

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Narayanan D
9 years ago

Brings back sweet memories.

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