Spaghetti with garlic, basil and chilli

If you have to experience an ingredient it is to experience it in the simplest form. That’s the way I love pasta. Among the dry pasta, the kids love the long strings of spaghetti. easiest to store this dry pasta is the best in winter.

The long spaghetti story

This particular experiment starts with the winter holidays. I was teaching my kids to do simple pasta so they can get their basics towards survival.
Since they are beginners and not ready to use eye measurements to cook we needed the support of a recipe. I realized I don’t have one on my blog with spaghetti. We went through our book collection and found a few pasta recipes. A quick flip through them, we unanimously agreed we all loved the one with garlic and chilli. We zeroed in on the step by step recipes series “Quick Pasta Recipes” as it also had easy to follow beautiful images.

The story berries

Have you gone through the storyberries about Petey gutsy turning pig .. I used to love such stories to tell my kids when they were smaller. I love the past when they animated look at me with wide open mouths as I go through the story and try to be extra nice for the next meal.
Just for the next…not further. ?
I hardly get to say any stories now…Just hear some stories from them, some white lies and lot of silence…
Here is a link to the collection which excited my kids when they were smaller.

Back to the recipes

We have a couple more pasta recipes on the blog for you to try.
Check out some more kid-friendly recipe on the
I am submitting this recipe to Cooking from a cookbook challenge. The idea excited me a lot, with a huge collection of a recipe book of my own and plenty of libraries around I will be busy with this challenge for a long while.
Stay on with us as we bring forth a couple of pasta per week for you.
Follow us on Instagram or Twitter for updates or subscribe to our site.
See you in a couple of days…

Spaghetti with garlic, basil and chilli

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Dish
Cuisine American, Asian, Continental, Fusion, International, Italian, Kids choice, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter
Servings 4 people


For the pasta

  • 500 g spaghetti or pasta
  • drinking water
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 long red chillies
  • 4-5 cloves garlic
  • 1 handful basil leaves


  • Into a pasta pot add water and bring it to a boil.
  • As the water commes to a boil, add salt and spaghetti
  • Cook till al dente.
  • Drain well and set aside
  • Slit and deseed the chillies and chop them small. Mince the garlic cloves fine and add to the chillies. Tear the basil leaves and set aside
  • In a seperate pan, heat olive oil, Add the chopped deseeded chillies and garlic.
  • Remove off heat when the garlic browns and allow the flavours to infuse.
  • Toss this in the cooked pasta and add torn basil leaves.
  • Season to taste and serve warm.


The prepared pasta stays well in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
Alter the herbs to flat leaf parsley if the flavour of basil is too strong.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
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6 years ago

Looks fantastic! We have some fresh basil growing in the garden now — perfect for this 🙂

6 years ago

I spaghetti with burnt garlic and your bowl looks so inviting. With so many cookbooks on hand, it does become tough to select one right…nice beginning though. Looking foward to reading more.

Padmajha PJ
6 years ago

Such a simple pasta recipe! My kids will definitely love this one.The lil one does not like veggies in noodles and so this would be perfect for him!

6 years ago

Looks amazing. I love the way you have clicked the pics.

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